Testimonial from Tom Arcuri
“After 30 years of competing, training and teaching, and (since 1989) hundreds of hours of training and teaching in gear of all types, I can say with some authority that any martial athlete or combatives program will dramatically benefit from incorporating gear in their programs. It is the only way to safely experience the level of realism necessary to pressure check training methods, curriculum or tactics.
My staff and I have had the opportunity to thoroughly test Hoplite Training Armour™ by Spartan Training Gear™, and we all agree that it is the finest suit of it’s kind in the world. Having used the High Gear™ suit exclusively for nine years I can say with confidence that Spartan’s suit is clearly a step up from an already good product. The Hoplite has significant modifications and improvements, with fit and finish that is the best that I have seen.
I am actively using it in my programs and fully endorse it!”
Tom Arcuri, Director
Pro-Active Safety System
Baileys Karate School Herkimer
Super Summer Seminars Martial Arts Camp